Once again prove of the use of torture in detention centre Rotterdam, Netherlands Yesterday, one of the members of the Deportation Resistance Group visited mr. Haydari, father of an Afghan family. He is threatened with deportation to Kabul Saturday the 26th of October. This would rip the family apart: three children with the ages of five years old, two years old and a newborn of two months old. Mr. Haydari recently had brain surgery and never really recovered completely. He has problems with speaking, severe concentration problems and needs special care. In detention he is kept at a department for refugees with medical problems. Part of his treatment is medication, enabling him to sleep. But yesterday it turned out that the guards wake him up EVERY HOUR from 9pm, the moment he gets his sleeping medication. The guards unlock the door, turn the light on, wake him up and then close the door with a lot of noise. This continues until the morning and is repeated every night. Mr Haydari doesn't understand why the guards wake him up, specially because the doctors in detention prescribed the sleeping medication. The medical staff did not say anything about these 'observations'. Is this kind of 'observation' torture? Yes, it is. It is called sleep deprivation and used as a technique (for example in Guantanamo Bay) to break people psychologically. It is not the first time that the Deportation Resistance Group hears testimonies of these practices. Sleep deprivation can cause mental breakdown, hallucinations and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As there is no reason to 'interrogate' mr Haydari in order to get some 'confession', we really do not understand why the detention centre applies this inhumane treatment to mr Haydari.
fredag 6 december 2013
Torture in Rotterdam refugee prison
måndag 28 oktober 2013

In September they participated in GIBCA, where they, through performance and writing, voiced a critique on the representation of local political and grassroots movements in the biennial. They uncovered and problematized the ties that the biennial itself has to the same forces that quenched the these events, namely the Gothenburg Carnival and the 2001 riots. This was also projected onto a larger back drop of the political and economic apparatuses that governs a contemporary Event City, such as Gothenburg.
At the symposion, Psychic Warfare will talk about their participation in the biennial and their practices at large, explaining their performance heterodoxies, such as the Psychic Attack and the Psychosonoric Lecture. They will also, together with Annika Lundgren, make a performance connected to their participation in the biennial.
torsdag 19 september 2013
Om Napoleon sade fru Fryxell:
"Det var modern som i sonen* ingöt avsky för tyranner och krigarkungar; om Napoleon sade fru Fryxell, enligt vad han själv berättar: "Jag önskar att han till straff för sitt slaktande finge ligga i barnsäng för hvar och en menniska, som för hans skull blifvit ihjälskjuten" (A. Fryxell: Min historias historia)"
ur Vilhelm Mobergs, Min Svenska historia - Berättad för folket
en feministisk skärseld månne?
*Anders Fryxell, som enligt Moberg i sitt historieskrivande: "rensade ut fyra dominerande drag ur äldre svensk-nationell historieskrivning: 1. Ultrarojalismen. 2. Ultrapatriotismen. 3. Ultraheroismen. 4. Den historiska kasuistiken.
ur Vilhelm Mobergs, Min Svenska historia - Berättad för folket
en feministisk skärseld månne?
*Anders Fryxell, som enligt Moberg i sitt historieskrivande: "rensade ut fyra dominerande drag ur äldre svensk-nationell historieskrivning: 1. Ultrarojalismen. 2. Ultrapatriotismen. 3. Ultraheroismen. 4. Den historiska kasuistiken.
fredag 13 september 2013
(political) definition of silence
listening to R.A.T.M "fist full of steal" which starts with:
Something about silence makes me sick
'Cause silence can be violence...
John Cage defines silence** not as the absence of sound(s) but as "involuntary sounds". A social/political, rather than musical, interpretation gives a quite scary conception of silence - a situation where no one wants to be noticed; never peaceful* allways repressing.
This would I guess equal to a sort of selfinflicted extreme striated space of self cenorship - as then, would the total absence of sound(s) equal the smooth space*** - a condition without messurments - an absolute zero.
*where and when ever it's peaceful there is also allways sounds, just maybe not the usual ones
**In the introduction to the book Silence.,
***Gilles Deleuze theory about organization of space, to me very similar to 'bodies without organs'
Something about silence makes me sick
'Cause silence can be violence...
John Cage defines silence** not as the absence of sound(s) but as "involuntary sounds". A social/political, rather than musical, interpretation gives a quite scary conception of silence - a situation where no one wants to be noticed; never peaceful* allways repressing.
This would I guess equal to a sort of selfinflicted extreme striated space of self cenorship - as then, would the total absence of sound(s) equal the smooth space*** - a condition without messurments - an absolute zero.
*where and when ever it's peaceful there is also allways sounds, just maybe not the usual ones
**In the introduction to the book Silence.,
***Gilles Deleuze theory about organization of space, to me very similar to 'bodies without organs'
söndag 25 augusti 2013
T.I.N.A gammal skåpmat och nationalekonomi är en sekt*.
Ekonomerna förfar på ett säreget sätt. Det finns för de endast två slag av institutioner, konstlade och naturliga. Feodalismens institutioner är konstlade, bourgeoisins naturliga. De liknar i detta avseende också teologerna, som också skiljer på två slags religioner. Varje religion, som inte är deras egen, är en uppfinning av människorna, medan deras egen religion är en uppenbarelse av Gud. När ekonomerna säger att de nuvarande förhållandena - de borgerliga produktionsförhållandena - är nturliga vill de därmed låta förstå att det är förhållanden, i vilka rikedomsalstringen och produktivkraternas utveckling sker i enlighet med naturlagarna**. På så sätt är dessa förhållanden själva av tidens inflytande oavhängiga naturlagar. De är eviga lagar, som alltid måste styra samhället. På så sätt har det funnits en historia, men det finns inte längre någon;...
K Marx*** ur Filosofins Elände****
*en skulle kunna tro att det är en 'klubb för inbördes beundran' men det handlar snrare om inbördes bekräftelse till den grad att de hävdar att inget annat finns.
**tex. tyngdlage, eller lagen om att allting går i riktning mot mer och mer oordning - faller sönder mot kaos; det kan ju ifs sägas stämma under kapitalismen/ men motsägs av den liberala världsbilden med ständig utveckling tillväxt och ordning.,
***utnämnd till historiens fjärde mest provocerande pojkvän***** av Liv Strömkvist bl.a. för att ha haft hembiträde som han utnyttjade sexuell samtidigt som han tog åt sig äran för saker som hans i sjukdom sängliggande hustru, Jenny Marx, skrev - t.ex. det kommunistiska manifestet
****Hela boken e som en lång extremt spydig blogg-rant till diss av Proudhons "Eländets Filosofi"
liberala illusioner,
lördag 6 juli 2013
No evictions of autonomous centres!
*Gather & Resist - weeks of solidarity* The autonomous center Cologne calls out for the GATHER&RESIST - WEEKS OF SOLIDARITY from 28.6 to 7.7. - days of action and networking - long live AZ KÖLN! The campaign KEIN TAG OHNE! (no day without!) mobilizes to defend the center that has existed for three years. On June 30th the present contract for the center ends. The end of contracts doesn`t mean eviction yet: With GATHER&RESIST we invite you to join the celebration of squatting and resistance, which is bound to hit the city. During those days the AZ will be a place to gather from all whereabouts, to link our projects and struggles and to share our perspectives. GATHER&RESIST wants to be a platform for building and deepening networks. At the same time we are taking a straight forward step towards solidarity and resistance. We will build barricades, fortify the building and our actions will create a situation of pressure for those in power. *GATHER&RESIST lives through our creativity and participation. *There will be pre-arranged workshops and ideas for action: anti-repression, building barricades, solidarity with different uprisings, get-to-know the area. There will be a convergence center, place-to-sleep-pool and a vegan kitchen for all. An awareness structure and an Out of Action-area will be available at all times. To use these structures in an effective way, we will provide rooms for retreat and safer spaces (e.g. dormitories for WomenLesbiansTransInter* and People of Colour). You'll find more infos on our website soon. *If you need a place to sleep, please contact Schlafplatz-koeln@riseup.net as soon as possible. * Also there will be sufficient room for input, workshops, discussions, assemblies and actions that we will organize together. If you have further contributions to the program, please contact gatherandresist@riseup.net. On Saturday 6th of July there will be a big demonstration in solidarity with AZ Köln and all squats worldwide. Let´s organize this demonstration together! Weeks of solidarity - a place for a joined struggle against the attacks on our self-determined lives and structures. *Come to Cologne 28th of June - 7th of July!* *FURTHER INFORMATION:* http://gatherandresist.tk * Call in different languages:* *English:* http://gatherandresist.blogsport.eu/call/call-en/ *French:* http://gatherandresist.blogsport.eu/call/call-fr/ *Spanish:* http://gatherandresist.blogsport.eu/call/call-es/ *Greek:* http://gatherandresist.blogsport.eu/call/call-gr/ * Convergence Center:* http://gatherandresist.blogsport.eu/cc/ * Material:* http://gatherandresist.blogsport.eu/material/
det gemensamma,
måndag 1 juli 2013
t.A.T.u cover., ? å fransk animerad sci-fi
kollade imorse igenom mina musikfiler i jakt på nått lite skoj å svängigt - hittar en mapp med Italo techno disko*, som jag fått av npn för rätt länge sen. tredje låten börjar; och jag märkar att jag hört melodin på dess vocals förut - hjärnan letar, slänger ur sig; Tatu !, men vilken låt?
youtubar det men närmaste träff blir 'Not gonna get us' , e ju inte den., osäker nu, men var en väldigt stark impuls att detta var just Tatu., hjälp nån?!
hursom, inför det här inlägget letar jag upp 'tredje låten' " Spacer Woman" från -83 och får se att videon till den är klipp ur en fransk animerad sci-fi film från ungefär samma tid, som jag råkade se hos en vän för inte så länge sen - handlar om en planet där människor hålls som husdjur av nåra jättelika humanoider**, sådär konstnärligt drömsk och obehaglig samtidigt. kan rekommenderas, fantastic planet se gärna traliern här, "...spellbinding science fiction" sagt med släpig datorröst !
*ett genrenamn som liksom i sig innehåller allt en kan leta efter
**Humanoid är en inom sci-fi välanvänd term för typ: alien som nästan ser ut som människa - bara kanske t.ex, blå och kanske räfflat pannben eller så.
youtubar det men närmaste träff blir 'Not gonna get us' , e ju inte den., osäker nu, men var en väldigt stark impuls att detta var just Tatu., hjälp nån?!
hursom, inför det här inlägget letar jag upp 'tredje låten' " Spacer Woman" från -83 och får se att videon till den är klipp ur en fransk animerad sci-fi film från ungefär samma tid, som jag råkade se hos en vän för inte så länge sen - handlar om en planet där människor hålls som husdjur av nåra jättelika humanoider**, sådär konstnärligt drömsk och obehaglig samtidigt. kan rekommenderas, fantastic planet se gärna traliern här, "...spellbinding science fiction" sagt med släpig datorröst !
*ett genrenamn som liksom i sig innehåller allt en kan leta efter
**Humanoid är en inom sci-fi välanvänd term för typ: alien som nästan ser ut som människa - bara kanske t.ex, blå och kanske räfflat pannben eller så.
fredag 24 maj 2013
.. kan ju låta fint. Enligt det här dokumentet från migrationsverket är deras syfte att följa barnkonventionen: "barn har rätt att återförenas med sina föräldrar". Men varför någon flyr, riskerar sitt liv (och lämnar sitt liv) är för mig.v. av mindre intresse. Det hela går i linje med Billströms strävan att göra alla, inklusive barn, deporteringsbara*. Kring gå lagar när det passar, använda barnkonventionen (som de ifs också bryter mot) i legitimeringssyfte.
notera att det är samma "European return fund" som finsierar detta, som har finansierat REVA, samt står bakom broschyrer som delas ut vid EUs östra gräns, där migranter får veta att "vi kan inte nå varandra, du har inga papper, inga pengar"
försökte googla fram bild (som jag inte lyckats ta själv) av nnya klistermärken jag sett på stan; får bli en dubbelbild ist:

* tidigare utspel kommenterat av ingen illegal här: http://inv.se/artikel/83303
notera att det är samma "European return fund" som finsierar detta, som har finansierat REVA, samt står bakom broschyrer som delas ut vid EUs östra gräns, där migranter får veta att "vi kan inte nå varandra, du har inga papper, inga pengar"
försökte googla fram bild (som jag inte lyckats ta själv) av nnya klistermärken jag sett på stan; får bli en dubbelbild ist:
* tidigare utspel kommenterat av ingen illegal här: http://inv.se/artikel/83303
ingen människa är illegal,
tisdag 21 maj 2013
the desire for mac
...is a strive away from consumerism, away from the constant demand to choose - we'd spend less time on being a consumer and more on producing., ? which doesn't make sence considering the "prosumer" concept.
However I think it's still interesting to watch the seemingly reversed liberal logic of more individual choice. It is a product that solves the demand for not wanting to spend time making choices between products.
Is this something reversed - then subvertive* , or just a visible example of an inherent paradox in the liberal ideology of choice?
*as in turning on it self, but being super succesfull
However I think it's still interesting to watch the seemingly reversed liberal logic of more individual choice. It is a product that solves the demand for not wanting to spend time making choices between products.
Is this something reversed - then subvertive* , or just a visible example of an inherent paradox in the liberal ideology of choice?
*as in turning on it self, but being super succesfull
illusions of liberalism,
söndag 19 maj 2013
Hello everybody,
Please, be so kind to forgive me my bad english. Here's an overview of what is happening in the detention centers of Schiphol Airport and Rotterdam in the Netherlands at the moment. During a noise demo on the 5th of May, we managed to get in touch with people inside and they told us that a group of more then 20 refugees had started a hungerstrike since the 1st of May. We published the news. After we did so, the management of Schiphol started extreme pressure on the refugees to break the hungerstrike. People were thrown in isolation cells that were too cold, where they only had a matrass and a blanket, no clothes or underwear, but only a tear shirt, bright lights constantly on 24/7. People were threatened with more measures, independent doctors were denied access to the detention centre. One person was, in reaction to his participation with the hungerstrike, about to be deported to a country that was not even his country of origin, but we managed to stop the deportation by pressuring the air company and threatening them with publicity and charges. On the 6th of May, a vaste group of refugees started a hunger and thirststrike in detention center Rotterdam. Nessar, the spokesman of the group of more then 100 refugees of different departments in the centre, managed to force an agreement with the CEO's that people in hungerstrike would not be put in isolation cells. The agreement was supported by the Union of Refugee Lawyers. But in the night of the 9th of May, Nessar was suddenly transferred to a department with only empty cells. He was able to give an update by phone and told us that the cell was kept too cold on purpose, that he didn't have his own clothes at his disposition and that he was locked in isolation of the others of the group. In the meantime, the other refugees in hunger and thirststrike were seriously put under pressure, by threatening with isolation cells or immediate deportation. The Ministry of Safety and Justice stated by press release that 'the vast majority of the group gave up the protest'. The 'independent doctor' that visited the hungerstriking refugees turned out to be owner of a private company providing doctors to detention centers. The team of real independent doctors were denied access, according to the management of the detention centre because the refugees had stated that they didn't want another doctor. We have spoken several refugees inside who clearly stated that they didn't trust the medical team of the detention centre and that they needed another team. On Saturday the 11th of May, the situation of Nessar, the isolated thirststriker, became critical, as his kidneys showed signs of failure. He signed a declaration saying that, even if he would lose consciousness, he did not give permission to be hospitalize or to be administered artifical nutrition or medication. In reaction, the management ordered the guards to keep him awake at night, which is a well known torture method. Despite his declaration, Nessar was transferred to a medical penitentiary today, against his will. Here, he will be force-fed, even if force-feeding is considered as torture. Not once did the management of the detention centres showed any willingness to talk about the demands of the refugees: freedom and protection. Not once did the Ministry respond to the clear protest of the refugees: we are not criminals and we don't want to be treated as criminals. The main stream media ignores the facts about detention practices and minimalizes the hungerstrikes. In the meantime, the calls on the alarm phone keep coming in. Refugees tell us how medical care is systematically denied, how they are thrown in isolation cells for a week - even for a simple thing as sharing your food with your cellmate. How they are locked in their own cells for three days, just for questioning the utterly racist behaviour of the guards. We have spoken to several people who came to the Netherlands with legal papers, but who were thrown in jail anyway, or who have seen their residence permit being withdrawn with no apparent reason. The majority of the people we have spoken to in the last week has children and see their families torn apart, for more then a year because of detention of one of the parents, or even permanently because one of the parents is deported. Migrant detention can last up to one year and a half in the Netherlands. The 'reasons' to be put in isolation cell are numerous and the number of time people are put in isolation is hardly registered. Isolation cells only have a matrass, a camera and a toilet. People only have a tear shirt and are not allowed to wear underwear. The cells are too cold, by the use of ventilators directed to the matrasses. The lights are not turned off at night. Visitations are standard procedure. A woman who was raped in her country of origin and refused visitation, was visitated by force, one leg fixed by a chain, by a male guard - thus raped again. Refugees who need medical care in a hospital are often not transported to the hospital. If they are allowed to visit the hospital, it will be hand and anckle cuffed. No information is given to the refugees inside about their procedures. One can be kept for months, be deported without the lawyer having the time to start a procedure or be kicked out on the streets - apparently random. A TV journalist asked me this week to describe the situation inside detention centres in one word. I said: a modern concentration camp. He was all indignified - how could I dare to compare the horrors of the Second World War with the situation right now, knowing that hideous things happened in concentration camps. I said, because hideous things happen right now, right here. Besides the fact that the whole country is covered by cams, a large number of municipalities now have drones surveilling from 6pm untill 5am. No, I'm not kidding. Activists face serious repression. One of us was convicted to four months of prison, just for publishing texts on the internet. We, the Deportation Resistance group, are under close surveillance - and then I really mean close surveillance; my children and visitors are followed and ID checked. Please, show solidarity, in whatever way. Kick ass at the Dutch embassies or do whatever you think might be a good idea. Dutch authorities apparently decided to take a leading role in fascist policies in Europe and this is getting completely out of hand here. In solidarity,
the State
9th May 2013, Netherlands
CALL FOR SOLIDARITY WITH HUNGER AND THIRST STRIKERS IN DETENTION CENTERS IN THE NETHERLANDS public indictment against the system of repression we call Fortress Europe. About 60 asylum seekers in detention center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, have been in hunger strike for four days now. 18 of them also stopped drinking since Wednesday 6th of May. They are protesting against the asylum policy that criminalizes refugees: they get thrown out on the streets without money or shelter and they get detained in prisons for up to 18 months. The refugees on hunger strike demand not to be treated as criminals anymore. They clearly stated they want freedom and protection. Wave of hunger strike Wednesday May 1st, twenty refugees in detention center Schiphol went on hunger strike. While the guards brutally broke down the strike in Schiphol, by putting the hunger strikers in isolation cells, about 80 refugees in detention center Rotterdam started a hunger strike on Monday 6th of May. One day later, fifty women in detention center Brugge (Belgium) also went on hunger strike. A thirst strike is even more dangerous than a hunger strike: the latter can last for 40 days before people get in a critical situation, whereas a person who does not drink will be dead after one week. Government arrogance The Dutch government has shown an unbelievable arrogance in this matter. At first, they did not respond to the demands of the refugees at all. One parliament member of the ruling party People's Party of the Freedom and Democracy (VVD) even went as far as to say the refugees “were taking the government hostage” by going on hunger strike. Then, as late as Thursday 9th May, they “provided” a worthless “offer”. In return for the end of the hunger strike, the government “offered” to shorten the usual 17 hours a day detainees are locked inside their cell with a few hours. The hunger and thirst strikers of course rejected this ridiculous proposal and they will continue with their protest. But things are getting very serious right now. As of Friday the third day without water begins for the refugees who have no other means of getting their voice out than to go on a hunger or thirst strike. Refugees searching for a better life get thrown into a Kafkaesk bureaucracy of having to provide proof that doesn't exist in order to get their permit to stay. Once rejected, undocumented refugees get thrown out on the streets and get denied basic human rights, such as food, shelter, work and health care. Racist police hunt them down and jail them. In detention, refugees are stripped from their dignity, their autonomy, their lives and their future. Once deported, no one ever hears from them again. Right now, refugees in detention center Rotterdam are directly and unmistakeably demanding their rights and their freedom. The government will have to respond very quickly and adequately, if they don't want to be held responsible for dozens of deaths. Call for solidarity We are strongly calling for solidarity from our friends throughout Europe. Solidarity with the hunger and thirst strikers in special; and with refugees in general. The state is aimed at excluding everyone who is not directly exploitable by capital. Make it known how this insane migration policy of repression destroys the lives of hundreds of thousands of refugees. Show your solidarity by spreading this message. Print this letter and glue it everywhere, preferably to walls that symbolize exclusion by Fortress Europe: parliament buildings, embassies, deportation offices, immigration offices, etc. etc. Letter removed? Glue it again. Everywhere. TOGETHER WE CAN FIGHT FORTRESS EUROPE!
the State
onsdag 8 maj 2013
Björklund å woody allen
hahah, tyckte att en av höjd(?)punkterna i partiledar debatten va när Jan Björklund påstod att mätningarna som visat att folk är emot vinst i välfärden är påhittade, lite ironiskt iom björklundskolans mätningshysteri å typ språktesthets., MEn hörde klipp nu igen och, Björklunds källa: citat "woody allen sa ungefär såhär: 94,3% av alla undersökningar är påhittade" haaaaa, ehm
liberala illusioner,
söndag 7 april 2013
in support of two No Border activists
WEDNESDAY 20 MARCH 2013 Appeal trial of two activists! Background : during the week of September 26 to October 1, 2010 was held a No Border camp in Brussels, the claims were No one is illegal Borders or nations Equal rights for all Freedom of movement and installation Against the capitalist and authoritarian systems that cause forced exile, war and misery But these claims are not welcome and expressing them even less! Therefore the state is seeking a way to silence and intimidate activists and found two to be charged of rebellion even against any formal proof (the verdict is amazing). Following their conviction in April 2012 respectively to one year and six months suspended sentence (five years!) during a political-like trial they decided to appeal that verdict. These convictions affect us all! The way "justice" has mounted its charges is just unacceptable - no need even for evidence ... Their fight is our fight LET'S SHARE IN SOLIDRITY AND BE NUMBEROUS MEETING at 8.30 a.m in front of the Palais de Justice in Brussels (Place Poelaert)
måndag 11 mars 2013
Rage and Reason
by Michael Tobias.
a novel that setts off to explore the vague and possibly shady psychological paths where conviction mingles with violence. We first get to read a statement by the author about this story, in no way, is to be seen as promoting the tactics deployed by "Felham". But instead to reveal and discuss the mental and social states where such actions take place and are possible.
But unfortunately we get little of this. Or maybe we get what is intended to be shown (if I am to be nice). We get an endless row of technical descriptions and machoist longing for heroism. Somewhat like an animal rights Bond movie - but a book. I'd had enough after 77pages., I gave it a fair chance I believe. It's a pity, the subject is very little explored I feel, and I think anyone who is politically engaged (which to me sort of excludes parliamentarians) needs to reflect upon these issues. Especially since the level of the discussion on violent/non-violent action is so bad, so rigid and only gains the moralist-conservo-'liberal' mainstream-positioning kind of politics.
the opportunity was mist, I think
I had also bigger expectations than this because it is printed by AK press, to which I ow alot of my thinking.,
a novel that setts off to explore the vague and possibly shady psychological paths where conviction mingles with violence. We first get to read a statement by the author about this story, in no way, is to be seen as promoting the tactics deployed by "Felham". But instead to reveal and discuss the mental and social states where such actions take place and are possible.
But unfortunately we get little of this. Or maybe we get what is intended to be shown (if I am to be nice). We get an endless row of technical descriptions and machoist longing for heroism. Somewhat like an animal rights Bond movie - but a book. I'd had enough after 77pages., I gave it a fair chance I believe. It's a pity, the subject is very little explored I feel, and I think anyone who is politically engaged (which to me sort of excludes parliamentarians) needs to reflect upon these issues. Especially since the level of the discussion on violent/non-violent action is so bad, so rigid and only gains the moralist-conservo-'liberal' mainstream-positioning kind of politics.
the opportunity was mist, I think
I had also bigger expectations than this because it is printed by AK press, to which I ow alot of my thinking.,
illusions of liberalism,
onsdag 27 februari 2013
poetisk realism
fick imorse en text uppläst för mig, från https://utrymme.wordpress.com/, om politiskt skrivande, efter ett samtal på kafé Copa vid Hornstull.
Lyra kommenterar Hanna Hallgren och är kritisk till dens sanningsökande: "Hon berättar att hon inom konstnärlig forskning håller på med ett projekt om ”den poetiska sanningen”, och förklarar det med att hon själv hellre vänder sig till poesin än till teorin när hon längtar efter sanning. För Hallgren verkar det handla mer om att med texten hitta en tillåtande utgångspunkt för motstånd, än att genom texten (som handling) göra motstånd, och kanske är detta en form för litterär politisk verksamhet som bokformen är särskilt väl anpassad för. Ett objekt att luta sig emot och samlas kring. Själv tror jag att realism är ett viktigare begrepp än sanning idag."
Jag tänker då på vad 'poetisk realism' då skulle vara. Och det blir inte dikter som represterar verkligenheten. Utan mer som i poesisns etymolgiska ursprung: arbete/verk(-samhet) som frambringar det nya, utvidgar verkligheten - eller ännu hellre - att bli varse mer verklighet: "Kanske kan den smärtsamma förvirring som uppstår inför vissa verk skapa en realism åt vår upplevelse av världen snarare än verket — ett slags omvänd realistisk utmaning som inte handlar om representation utan om en tänjning av vår varseblivning."
Hallgren säger att hon ”upplever det som att det finns en ängslighet för vad människor antas kunna begripa”, och här ser jag kanske en poäng ändå med ett begrepp som poetisk sanning, även om det inte var den som menades. Det skulle då vara att ett poetiskt verk kan få stå utan referens till en överenskommen verkligehetsbeskrivning.
inom rörelse baserad konst* upplever jag också denna ängslighet - men som jag tror är en blandning av rädsla för det som är poetiskt ogripbart och det teoretiskt/akademiskt, då, onåbara. Men på det området, som jag har klart mer erfarenhet av, ser jag det kanske mer som ett maktspel, som döljer att rensningen av vad som får vara med handlar om smak - genom att hävda rädsla för att allmänheten inte ska förstå; och då spelar det mindre roll av vilken anledning som de inte skulle förstå.
*detta klumpas administrativt** ihop under "dans", med den effekten att mycket lite får godkänt som kvalitativt. Kan tänkta det som att fokus på koreografi, inte bara möjliggör en större teoretisering av området och praktiekerna utan också definitivt är en flykt undan dans-begreppet.
**Offebtliga stöd organ, samt mediala recentioner.
söndag 24 februari 2013
härifrån får du inte komma
hittade en lista på en gammal hårddisk.
Ett utlåtande om vem som inte har rätt att komma in i Sverige baserat på statstillhörighet. En enkel byråkratisk manöver, så som visumkrav, exkluderar alla som råkat födas in under följande jurisdiktioner, från mölighet att resa oc söka asyl. Det är det hör som lägger grunden för att folk som flyr kan börja kallas "illegala". För det finns inget lagligt sätt att söka asyl på i Sverige.
Enheten för styrning inom migrationsområdet (SIM)
Medborgare i följande lländer skall ha visering för inresa i Sverige:
*) = innehavare av diplomat- och tjänstepass är viseringsfria
**) = innehavare av diplomatpass är viseringsfria
***) = innehavare av diplomatpass är viseringsfria för kortare tids vistelse enligt viseringsförenklingsavtal mellan EG och respektive stat
Albanien ***)
Antigua och Barbuda
Bolivia *)
Bosnien-Hercegovina ***)
Burkina Faso
Centralafrikanska Rep.
Dominikanska Rep.
Filippinerna *)
Frenade Arabemiraten *)
Kap Verde
Kina (exkl.
Hongkong och
Kongo, Dem. Rep.
Kongo, Rep.
Korea, Dem. Folkrep.
Makedonien *)
Marocko **)
Moldova ***)
Myanmar (Burma)
Norra Marianaöarna
Papua Nya Guinea
Ryssland ***)
Saint Kitts & Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent &
Sao Tomé & Principe
Serbien ***)
Sierra Leone
Sri Lanka
Thailand *)
Trinidad & Tobago
Tunisien **)
Turkiet *)
Ukraina ***)
Ett utlåtande om vem som inte har rätt att komma in i Sverige baserat på statstillhörighet. En enkel byråkratisk manöver, så som visumkrav, exkluderar alla som råkat födas in under följande jurisdiktioner, från mölighet att resa oc söka asyl. Det är det hör som lägger grunden för att folk som flyr kan börja kallas "illegala". För det finns inget lagligt sätt att söka asyl på i Sverige.
Enheten för styrning inom migrationsområdet (SIM)
Medborgare i följande lländer skall ha visering för inresa i Sverige:
*) = innehavare av diplomat- och tjänstepass är viseringsfria
**) = innehavare av diplomatpass är viseringsfria
***) = innehavare av diplomatpass är viseringsfria för kortare tids vistelse enligt viseringsförenklingsavtal mellan EG och respektive stat
Albanien ***)
Antigua och Barbuda
Bolivia *)
Bosnien-Hercegovina ***)
Burkina Faso
Centralafrikanska Rep.
Dominikanska Rep.
Filippinerna *)
Frenade Arabemiraten *)
Kap Verde
Kina (exkl.
Hongkong och
Kongo, Dem. Rep.
Kongo, Rep.
Korea, Dem. Folkrep.
Makedonien *)
Marocko **)
Moldova ***)
Myanmar (Burma)
Norra Marianaöarna
Papua Nya Guinea
Ryssland ***)
Saint Kitts & Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent &
Sao Tomé & Principe
Serbien ***)
Sierra Leone
Sri Lanka
Thailand *)
Trinidad & Tobago
Tunisien **)
Turkiet *)
Ukraina ***)
ingen människa är illegal,
onsdag 13 februari 2013
Abrahamsson - "syra attack" !!!
.,Abrahamsson beskriver dansens utveckling som ett syra-angrepp i ansiktet på den rena dansen. moget.. det där e tragiskt. mer komiskt e väl historieskrivningen/analysen att: den "konceptuella koreografin" skulle vara sena försök till performance. riktit löjligt blir det också när han säger sig kunna skönja en "motrörelse" på de stora "vanligtvis konventionella" institutionerna - i andra historiska skeeden brukar det omnämnts Reaktion*.
vet inte, men det enda** jag kan se här e en strategi för att behålla sitt jobb (förståeligt inte kul å va utan nu..), genom att förvirra publik (och utövare) till den milda grad att vi fortsatt kommer tro oss behöva Herr Örjan som förklarande mellanhand.
På riktit det här e skitkass: http://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/orjan-abrahamsson-dansen-saknar-bade-scen-och-dansant-rorelse
Dansens Hus chef svarar: http://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/debatt-essa/ingen-blir-klokare-av-att-dansen-polariseras
*men Örjan prickar nog inte så rätt där heller, som Virve påpekar i svaret har dessa institutioner plockat ur Dansens hus program för de senaste åren. **förutom en stockkonservativ romans med kvalitet***
***kallas också för smak****
****smak är ofta ett viktigt verktyg för att upprätthålla sociala klasser i samhället
vet inte, men det enda** jag kan se här e en strategi för att behålla sitt jobb (förståeligt inte kul å va utan nu..), genom att förvirra publik (och utövare) till den milda grad att vi fortsatt kommer tro oss behöva Herr Örjan som förklarande mellanhand.
På riktit det här e skitkass: http://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/orjan-abrahamsson-dansen-saknar-bade-scen-och-dansant-rorelse
Dansens Hus chef svarar: http://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/debatt-essa/ingen-blir-klokare-av-att-dansen-polariseras
*men Örjan prickar nog inte så rätt där heller, som Virve påpekar i svaret har dessa institutioner plockat ur Dansens hus program för de senaste åren. **förutom en stockkonservativ romans med kvalitet***
***kallas också för smak****
****smak är ofta ett viktigt verktyg för att upprätthålla sociala klasser i samhället
måndag 28 januari 2013
four months in prison for writing articles.,
Dutch no border activist Joke Kaviaar sentenced to four months in prison
for incitement
- Migration activist does not let herself be silenced
Today the bench chamber of the court in Haarlem ruled in the case of
incitement by speech and word against Joke Kaviaar. The court rejected
all of the defense pleas of her lawyer and sentenced Joke to four months
in prison. This is less than the six months imprisonment the Public
Prosecutor had asked for. Joke Kaviaar will appeal the conviction and
announces that she will not let herself be silenced. She will continue
to speak out against the Dutch migration policy.
The Support Group 13 September, founded after the arrest of Joke
Kaviaar, feels that the ruling was to be expected, as seen in the light
of the current political climate in the Netherlands and in the standing
jurisprudence around the Supreme Court regarding incitement (Article 131
of the Criminal Code).
The current verdict restricts the freedom of expression: from now on
Joke Kaviaar and other publicists offering sharp criticism against
government policy will get into danger to be restricted as well. This
verdict creates dangerous jurisprudence for further restriction of
criticism against the government.
Joke Kaviaar will appeal to a higher court, because she will keep
defending her right to express herself by her texts, both as part of the
struggle for free speech against state repression and as part of the
refugee struggle. The sentence is a scandal, but will not break the
ongoing struggle against borders and for freedom of movement.
Joke Kaviaar was arrested at home on September 13, 2011 and detained for
three days under full restrictions. Meanwhile a house search took place.
She was charged with “incitement and spreading incitement with a
terrorist intent”. This charge involved a number of texts in which Joke
fiercely speaks out against the Dutch migration policy. A few months
later, in December, the Public Prosecutor’s National Office had her
website taken offline. It was a day later put back online by unknowns
and is still accessible.
After a long-term investigation two weeks ago, on January 8, a hearing
before the bench chamber place finally took place. Four of her texts
were submitted by the Public Prosecution to the court as being
'inciting'. The previous accusation that Joke Kaviaar had a “terrorist
intent” with the alleged incitement was dropped. This raises the
suspicion that the aggravated charge at the time of arrest, permitting
the house search, and used throughout the entire investigation has only
been added as intimidation, and to make use of the extensive
investigative powers of the terrorism legislation.
For more information: Support Group 13 September (info@13-september.nl)
The quotes for which Joke Kaviaar is convicted, the relevant articles
and more background information, are available at www.13-september.nl
and http://13-september.nl/tag/english (english info)
Website of Joke Kaviaar: www.jokekaviaar.nl
Also read Joke her fiercely defiant words spoken to the judges and
prosectutor at the court hearing of January 8th, 2013 in Haarlem, the
Each word a spark!
tisdag 15 januari 2013
Information tack, inte reklam (ja även reklam för övervakningssamhället) Och mer konst i tunnlarna!
måndag 14 januari 2013
ju öppnare
Ju öppnare nånting är desto
öppnare måste det vara*
Dock gälle det motsatta vid representation av av öppenhet
- alltså skenbar öppenhet; t.ex. vår parlamentariska demokrati.
* e inte helt klar över vad jag menat här, men tänker att det kan haft att göra med att om en e ärlig personligen så finns det lix ingen återvändo från utfläkandet. ,men då att när det hävdas att nått e öppet, som inte riktit kan va d, för att finns så mycket skit, hittas det en massa mekanismer som gör det stängt.
...Jag snackar total anarki
och om inte det skulle va möjligt
bör vi avskaffa oss själva
öppnare måste det vara*
Dock gälle det motsatta vid representation av av öppenhet
- alltså skenbar öppenhet; t.ex. vår parlamentariska demokrati.
* e inte helt klar över vad jag menat här, men tänker att det kan haft att göra med att om en e ärlig personligen så finns det lix ingen återvändo från utfläkandet. ,men då att när det hävdas att nått e öppet, som inte riktit kan va d, för att finns så mycket skit, hittas det en massa mekanismer som gör det stängt.
...Jag snackar total anarki
och om inte det skulle va möjligt
bör vi avskaffa oss själva
liberala illusioner,
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