tisdag 10 april 2012
Manchester United and/or against the 1% ?

söndag 8 april 2012
the desire to move as the source of music
and who then is Jack but a desire to resonate through bodies, over space together but probably not the same - everyone jacking,, hi-jacking reality

In the beginning there was Jack and Jack had a groove and from this groove came the grooves of all grooves. And while one day viciously throwing down out of his box, JACK boldly declared "LET THERE BE HOUSE" and house music was born. "I am you see, I am the creator and this is my house and in my house there is only house music but I am not so selfish because once you enter my house it then becomes our house and our house music and you see no one man owns house because house music is a universal language spoken, understood by all. You see house is a feeling that no one can understand really unless you're deep into the vibe of house. House is an uncontrollable desire to JACK your body and as I told you before this is our house and house music and every house should understand there is a keeper. And in this house the keeper is JACK. Now some of you might wonder who is JACK and what is it that JACK does. JACK is the one who gives you the power to JACK your body. JACK is the one who gives you the power to do the snake. JACK is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm. JACK is the one who learns you how to JACK your body. JACK is the one that can bring nations and nations of all JACKERS together under one house. You may be black, you may be white, you may be Jew or Gentile. It don't make a difference in our house. And this is FRESH."
torsdag 5 april 2012
demokratisk slängkappa
Jag läser den nu och blir förvånad över hur långt en allmän förståelse av ett ord (i det här fallet demokrati) kan förskjutas på bara några år. Om det här var en glipa i demokrati-kappan, så känns det märkligt hur folk kan fortsätta prata om demokrati trots det som händer i europa nu. Det här med "fria val" har ju ändå varit en ganska grundläggande koncept för att få kallas demokrati. Men hur blir ordet kvar när protester ignoreras, sen slås ner, och är de bara växer faktist får med sig parlamentarikerna - då skickar EU en bankman*. Men det e som att blottaren inte kan få av sig kappan, som att nån har limmat fast den - försöker visa sig, men folk vägrar se.
*Både Italien och Grekland styrs nu utav Bankmän, ingen av de på något sätt folkligt valda.
måndag 2 april 2012
Europol takes on the task of "terrorism" that is to say "Anarchism"
Against the criminalization of the no border network via EUROPOL! "The EU's police agency should not be allowed to get involved in political altercations between the EU Member States. Any attempt by Europol to concern itself with antimilitaristic, transport policy, environmental policy or antiracist campaigns is going beyond its mandate," said Bundestag Member Andrej Hunko in criticism of a related response from the Federal Government. According to meeting minutes of the Council Working Party on "Terrorism", Europol is holding a conference on "anarchism" on 25 April. The focus of the conference is said to be on how to deal with attacks by the Italian anarchist federation FAI. However, the agenda also foresees discussions on the no border network and the issue of "resistance to railway networks". When Andrej Hunko requested further details, the Federal Government specified that the conference was on "left-wing extremism and terrorism" and alleged "attacks on rail transportations". Andrej Hunko went on to say: "I am utterly opposed to the criminalisation of international activists. On the contrary, I am delighted that resistance to senseless large-scale projects like Stuttgart 21 and the TAV high-speed railway in Italy is increasingly being organised across national borders - especially since these projects are supported by the European Union and incorporated into EU transport infrastructure planning. As was the case with successful summit protests, international left-wing networking is criminalised. Last year, the Federal Ministry of the Interior used the sending of "letter bombs" to justify the international exchange of undercover police agents on the occasion of the G8 summit in Heiligendamm. According to the Federal Government, the conference on "anarchism" is a workshop for delegates from those countries that participate in Europol's Dolphin analysis work files. These feature dossiers on individuals and objects concerning "extremist" and "terrorist" activities. The inclusion of left-wing activism in this category serves merely to defame left-wing activists and organisations. This is particularly the case with regard to Europol's interest in the no border network, whose fight against racism and militarisation on the external borders of the EU is absolutely essential in the EU Member States. I therefore call upon the Federal Government to actively oppose the equalisation of left-wing activism with "terrorism" and "extremism". I also demand full information about contributions made to the conference by the police forces of EU Member States. International left-wing movements must be treated with respect and appreciation." Download the Federal Government's response at: http://www.andrej-hunko.de/start/download/doc_download/214-treffen-zu-anarchismus-bei-der-eu-polizeiagentur-europol-im-april-2012 (in German)