torsdag 30 december 2010

media and politics

from FB:

Lady of Crazyness ...
PressTV - Western Double Standards
Iran's television network, broadcasting in English round-the-clock. Based in Tehran.
för 24 minuter sedan · GillaSluta gilla · Kommentera · Dela
H A says:
but why you are making free reclamation for her?
ignore the f**king us-american and their mafia.
för 11 minuter sedan · Gilla

kass says:
we also need to discuss these media of ours. I say ours, because even how much I don't want it, I'm born into beeing a "swede", a "westerner" and therefor rosponsible for what it does to us, and what politics and world economic structures these make possible. to ignore it, as a source for information - yes.
but we should not ignore it as political subject.

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